Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On Everyone's Mind...


Javier Alejandro Rojas Luna said...

Tracey, hi…

… this is Alejandro (from facebook) visiting your blog and taking some minutes to ask you how was your elections day? Did you have the result you were expecting for?
How do you feel?
In my country in politics terms we are in a hole, Mexico is politically divided because two years ago we had to pass a vulgar process to choose new president and now he have an elected president called Felipe Calderon Hinojosa from PAN (National Action Party) who's won the presidency making fraud with the support of government, regular and radical industrial sectors, mass media, etc, people of business in resume. But in the 'official' speech everything was correct and the discussions are part of 'democracy'. That's not true we don't have a real democracy.

Unfortunately we don't have parties or visible politicians to make possible a balance, the nearest to that, in theory, is PRD (Party of the Revolution Party. I wanted to believe in them when I was youngest but in brief time they show me that they were equal, just with less money), which in this elections had as candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, but he always was supported and worked together with people whom years ago was part of the PRI (the king of corruption and the party which ruled this country for 70 years. By the way, Lopez Obrador was part of the PRI some years ago) and even from PAN (which is the satellite party from the PRI) that's why he is not so trustable. Well, in this election now we had to choose between the less worst. That's why I chose to nullified my vote. I couldn't give my vote to put corrupt people in the government. That's why now there is a felling of confrontation between people. In one side people whom voted Obrador for and in the other people whom voted Calderon for, that's curious because just voted 34% of the people with capacity of voting, the other 66% didn't do noting, even they didn't nullify their vote but most of people is still angry, in less level maybe, but angry anyway.

Ok, ok I stop here because I don’t want to give you a negative impression of my political thougts, in this terms do you allow me to shere you a song each week? As a hobbie I use to send the song that I played more times during the week to some of my friends in Internet. If you allow me just let me know to put you in my e-mail contacts.
Well that’s all for now but we kep in touch and again excuse my horrible english.

Take care


Tráese said...

Hola Alejandro!

Sorry for such a late response... juggling a bit too much these days, c'est ca!

Ah... elections have come and gone and what color is the sky... still blue I'm afraid. But I do feel there will be a better ability to work with our extended global community and a willingness to stop playing denial-- though I'm sure as politics go, as much as things change-- some things still stay the same. A small chipping away, steady, persistent and with complete integrity and consciousness-- then maybe...

I think the "hole" you describe is felt by many of us even though I will not pretend to comprehend what life lays at your feet in Mexico. No need to apologize for your depth of thoughts and passion, it's both understandable and welcome to share honest and open dialogue.

Feel free to email me re the music and no worries re the language.

-shanti *t